What isWuyi Cliif Oolong

Wuyi Cliff Oolong is considered preferred green teas to come from China. It is native into the area around Mount Wuyi.
Mount Wuyi is situated within the northern Fujian area of China, covering an area of 60 square kilometers. This part of the province boasts thirteen springs, thirty six peaks, and seventy two caves. As a point of interestMount Wu Yi was deemed to be a culture heritage site in 1999, and also as a piece, it is one of the most outstanding biodiversity conservation zones of China.
This area is the most attractive part of Fujian province. It is also one of the most famous tea growing regions in China, keeping Fujian area around the map as a reputable tea producer. The history of Fujian tea dates back over 1,600 one hundred year - it is believed that some "Wu Yi Tea" weight reduction products dating back over 4,000 years.
The earliest reports of brewing tea frm this region is detailed for the stone tablet for the Lian Hua Feng in Nan'an county, this dates from in 376 A.D. More tea comes from this area than any other part of China. The various teas grown here including Black tea, Green tea, Oolong tea, Scented tea, and White tea. Lots of these teas are known around the world, and also have gained increasing popularity among tea drinkers. over 300 types of tea are grown in this area.Wuyi Cliff Oolong is the best of these teas Wuyi Cliff Oolong is an important part of Tava Teas special makeup, it has tried and tested health giving properties that will cut bad levels of cholesterol, help promote a healthy heart, and aid digestion.http://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=235332&s=174&c=120617&k=102440&a=7759

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