Whole Grains - required!

Your body needs carbohydrates mainly for energy, the best source of carbohydrates and fiber are whole grains - oatmeal, whole grain pasta and brown rice.

Average consumption of 2.5 servings of whole grains each day is associated with 21% lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Whole grains help control blood sugar and insulin levels. This reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and keep your appetite under control.

When you're constantly hungry, do not overdo it with food that will help you lose weight. Whole grains are enemies and constipation.

Here's how to include whole-grain foods in your diet (if you have not already done so, for what you look reproachfully at the moment):

- Replace with whole grain bread products.

- If you can not part with your favorite sweets, then replace half the white flour with whole wheat.

- Add brown and wild rice or barley in vegetable soup.

- During the evening Eat popcorn movie (sorry, but no salt and butter) instead of chips.

- There are numerous possibilities as long as you want and you will find ...

Pain Chest Wall

Pain Chest Wall

What is the source of the complaint?

Chest wall with muscle
We do not have full insight into the cause of these problems, but it is understood that the following explanation is likely: The condition usually caused by muscle tension and breathing failure. Infants breathe with the stomach, i.e. the diaphragm moves up and down so that the stomach bulges out during the inhalation and exhalation of return. By this technique, which is the proper breathing technique, keep your chest completely still when we breathe.
Pain Chest Wall

Many older people can no longer breathe in this way, and raise your chest and shoulders when breathing should be included. This strain, we are not truly designed to withstand, and many people also get pain in the muscles that lift the chest. This is exacerbated if you are tense and tight muscles more than necessary when they really should rest if damage or fall, and after operations in the chest seen such tensions often.

Most people who experience such pain, think fast on your mind, which often leads to increased muscle tension and increasing pain. The pain is thought to come from irritation of the muscles and tendon membranes because of the overload.

What is the prognosis

What is the prognosis

What is the prognosis?
The first episode of rheumatic fever may last for weeks to months. Joint disorder is almost always over. Heart inflammation can cause permanent flap failure. The disease is associated with increased mortality both in the acute phase (myocarditis) and after (valve failure).
What is the prognosis

The immediate mortality rate is 1-2%. Patients who receive damages of palpitation has also increased the risk for serious complications from the heart later.

Treatment and diagnosis rheumatic fever

Treatment and diagnosis rheumatic fever

How is the diagnosis?
The diagnosis is based on the occurrence of several of the above symptoms or signs (Jones criteria), elevated blood sedimentation rate (ESR) and CRP , and laboratory detection of ongoing or recent infection with group A streptococci. ECG may show typical changes.

What is the treatment?
It is common to treat anyone with a penicillin cure for the eradication of streptococci from the throat.

The patient should keep quiet until the fever, and SR goes back and resting heart rate drops below 100.

There is no unanimous agreement among experts on the treatment beyond this. Anti-inflammatory medications are often used ( NSAIDs) , if necessary cortisone. However, this treatment is controversial, and there is no evidence that such treatment reduces the risk of heart disease.
Treatment and diagnosis rheumatic fever

If you have had rheumatic fever once, the risk is greatly increased for the new streptococcal infections can lead to a resurgence of rheumatic fever. With repeated episodes of rheumatic fever also increases the risk of serious heart disease. Therefore, it is common for children with rheumatic fever, and all who have had rheumatic fever with evidence of disease of the heart, recommended preventive treatment with penicillin for up to five years after initial rheumatic fever episode.

What causes Rheumatic Fever

What causes Rheumatic Fever?

Rheumatic fever occurs after a preceding sore throat. Signs of rheumatic fever usually occur 2-3 weeks after strep throat infection, but symptoms can come as early as one week and as late as after five weeks. The prevailing hypothesis is that rheumatic fever caused by an autoimmune process triggered by a throat infection with group A streptococci.

Inflammation of the heart is the most serious effect of the disease. Mitral valve (the valve between the left atrium and ventricle) is attacked in 75-80% of cases, aortic valve in 30%.
What causes Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic fever signs and symptoms

Inflammation of the heart it is present in 80-90% it can appear as chest pain, heart rhythm disturbances and heart failure.

Joint Inflammation it appears on 2/3 of patients and is 2-4 weeks after streptococcal infection lasting 1-5 weeks and usually heal completely. Common inflammation often moving from joint to joint, sometimes lasts inflammation in some joints only a few days and then spread to the next paragraph.
Rheumatic fever signs and symptoms

Rash (erythema marginatum) itchy rash with sharp demarcation towards the periphery and more diffuse boundary to the center. The rash may come and go.

Nodule under the skin is a relatively uncommon consequence of rheumatic fever in adults, but is more common in children persists for days and weeks and can come back?

Sydenham's Korean (St. Veit Dance) can sometimes be the only manifestation of rheumatic fever this affects 10-40%. Sydenham's Koreans are more frequent in girls and are seen rarely in adults. There is abrupt, purposeless, and involuntary movements and muscle weakness. Often accompanied by emotional disturbances. The condition is alarming, but is almost always by themselves.

Incidence of rheumatic fever

Incidence of rheumatic fever

What is the incidence of rheumatic fever?

As living standards have improved, acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease have become rare diseases in developed countries . Treatment with antibiotics has also helped to limit the scope of diseases, but less important than the prosperity increase.

Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease occur today mainly in developing countries. According to WHO there are at least 15.6 million people have rheumatic heart disease. The incidence is highest in African countries south of Sahara, on the Pacific Islands and the primitive tribes of Australia and New Zealand. Incidence of rheumatoid heart disease increases with age and reaches its highest level in the age group 25-34 years. 233,000 deaths per annum attributed to acute rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease.
Incidence of rheumatic fever

Acute rheumatic fever is a rare condition among the youngest children, only 5% of cases occur among children under five years, and the condition is almost unknown inchildren under two years. The first episodes of rheumatic fever are most common just before puberty, decreases in late adolescence and is rare among adults older than 35 years. Recurrent episodes are especially frequent among teens and early adulthood.

What is Rheumatic Fever Caused By

What is Rheumatic Fever Caused By

Rheumatic fever

What is rheumatic fever?

Rheumatic fever or rheumatic fever (febris rheumatica) is an immunological reaction in the body that comes in the wake of a throat infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococci. The disease involves a diffuse inflammatory disease of the joints, heart, blood vessels, central nervous system and skin. The predominant symptoms are arthritis, heart inflammation, nodules under the skin, rashes and Sydenham's Koreas.
What is Rheumatic Fever Caused By

Although the acute illness can cause significant morbidity and even death, it's long-term damage to heart valves that make up the great burden - rheumatic heart disease with damaged heart valves. This condition is due to the amount of damage from repeated episodes of acute rheumatic fever, although initial infection can sometimes lead directly to the rheumatic disease. In younger patients, mitral klaffs vikt the dominant cardiac damage, whereas mitral stenosis is increasingly the common condition with increasing age.

Pain In The Chest Wall

Pain In The Chest Wall

Pain in the chest wall
Over half of that seeking medical attention for chest pain, ends up with a diagnosis of chest wall pain. It is a harmless condition caused by tightness in the muscles of the chest wall.

What is chest wall pain?
Chest wall pain or interkostal myalg denotes a state of pain from the muscles (myalgia), which is located between the ribs (intercostal). The pain can be daunting because the patient may fear that the pain stems from the heart or lungs. Complaints often lead to consultations in general practice. The condition is harmless, but it may be useful to study to disprove the suspicion of other diseases.
Pain In The Chest Wall

It is a very common condition. In a German / Austrian study found that the average age of those with this diagnosis was 59 years and 56% were women. Half of those who sought medical attention for chest pain, was diagnosed after careful studying chest wall pain.

See how abdominal fat is melted shock!

Fat in the abdomen are a real burden - hem easily accumulate, yet one with them quite difficult to handle.

And who does not want his belly is tucked up and waist thinner.

Therefore, we suggest you tested way of dealing with this problem.

For starters, many decide that the impactor visit the gym will solve the problems. Although some people get - no fat in the abdomen with a visit to the hall, then in the majority of those with weight problem are needed much more effort.
Yes, training is required, but it is better to pay attention to the food we consume daily. Rule that many overlook, is a complete change of diet, because only so will not only melt fat in the abdomen area and but also ensure that they will not reappear immediately after the restrictions.
It is in the menu to include many fruits and vegetables have fiber - something we're missing.
Another condition for the belly fat to eat throughout the day often take place in small portions, so just because your belly will be overloaded.

Last but not least - it is important that calorie intake is limited to burn fat in the abdomen.

Herpes Ulcers

Herpes Ulcers

Herpes, or herpes simplex is a viral infection that causes sores often to appear on the face or genitals.

There are two specific types of herpes infections.

Infection with herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is usually associated with cold sores on the lips, mouth or face. These lesions appear as small blister that eventually the crust is covered. The infection is usually transmitted during childhood and saliva.

Infection with herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) on the genitals and is sexually transmitted disease. It shows, as well as pain in the penis, scrotum, labia, vagina, on the upper thighs, buttocks or anus in the region.Symptoms of both types of herpes can vary from mild to intense. Really, is some people have symptoms so small that it dawns on them, they have herpes.
Herpes Ulcers

A human being with herpes does not experience symptoms outside of the virus, the body with virus. The virus be capable of be activated by illness or stress, and it can extend throughout skin to skin. Transmission is possible even when there are no visible signs of this disease. Herpes can be passed to a child during birth if the child comes into direct contact of the virus. There is no cure, but medications can reduce symptoms of an outbreak.

Reducing calories increases brain activity

Fasting every other day helps weight loss, longevity and protects against Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's and other degenerative brain changes, according to a survey of the American Institute of Ageing.

Reducing calorie intake is beneficial for the brain, but not by reducing food consumption - this is not the best method for activating this protection, says Professor Mark Matsan, head of the neuroscience laboratory at the American Institute of Ageing.

Diet protects against cardiovascular disease, is useful for blood circulation and protects the brain from diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

For the purposes of the study participants are fed every other day, and others - every day.

Both groups have unrestricted access to food in the days that can be fed, and eventually consume the same amount of calories.

It is clear that feeding every day, are more sensitive to insulin and must produce less of it, says Professor Mark Matsan.

High levels of a hormone that is produced to control blood sugar levels after eating, usually associated with lower brain function and higher risk of developing diabetes.

It also establishes that people who are low-calorie diet improves the function of brain synapses - connections between brain cells that promote the production of new cells and make them more resistant to stress.

Previous studies did show that fasting for several days helps fight cancer.

Do you overeat because your friends

 Messmate you can change significantly the way you eat, not even understand. In some cases this can lead to overeating, especially if one tries to make a good impression or to trust the opposite, a new study concludes.

In a study published in the medical journal PLoS One, a team of Dutch researchers invited 140 women to dine together in pairs in laboratory conditions resembled those in a real restaurant. The result was surprising: the participants were willing to bite of fat the same time to copy the behavior of fellow mass.

This phenomenon was three times more common in the early evening than in the end, suggesting that women who were complete strangers have tried thus to make a good impression on one another.

Researchers say this finding explains previous studies have observed higher food intake in people eating in the company of others.

"This demonstrates the power of social influence on food intake," says lead author of the article Roel Hermans. He added that it is important that people are aware of these factors because they can lead to systematic overeating, especially if one is accustomed to eating in a team.

Although Hermans and his colleagues can not say with certainty whether the participants had imitated one another, to gain their trust, they have serious doubts in this regard. Past research shows they think people who consume a small amount of food in the company of other, often dislike his company.

Personalized Cancer Treatment

Personalized Cancer Treatment


Thanks to technical advances, it is now possible to study the entire genome of a tumor to select the most appropriate treatment in the management of the patient.

The research contributes to the development of a growing number of antitumor drugs particularly promising targeted therapies. These treatments are highly effective in their specificity of action: they act, in effect, on cells that have precise molecular characteristics associated with their malignant nature. Therefore, these new drugs are only effective in patients whose tumor carries specific abnormalities. Their administration thus requires genetic characterization of tumor cells to destroy.

A strategy to obtain maximum information on tumors is genomic sequencing. This strategy is to decipher the entire genetic makeup of tumor cells in order to catalog all the flaws that entail. By comparing the resulting catalog to the arsenal of available targeted therapies, doctors can more easily choose the most appropriate treatment in the management of patients.
Personalized Cancer Treatment

This approach has remained utopian sequence an entire genome was indeed a work far too long and as well costly for it to be done in order to choose an anti-tumor therapy. However, today the situation is different: an American team has indeed demonstrated that it is possible to analyze the genetic makeup of a tumor in three to four weeks, for approximately $ 3,809. This period is consistent with the initiation of treatment, and the cost is not significantly higher than other methods currently used to characterize tumors.

It remains a problem to solve: in their pilot study of four patients, U.S. researchers have identified genetic defects that can be targeted by drugs currently being evaluated. However, patients have benefited from these treatments: testing clinics being focused on the use of these drugs in cancers other than those they developed.

Thus, the use of sequencing to facilitate personalized treatment can be considered without a change in the implementation of clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of new targeted therapies.

Ultrasound Guided

Ultrasound Guided

Ultrasound guided dry needling of chronic tendinopathy

A number of different methods of treating chronic tendinopathy has recently been presented. One of the methods that are increasingly experiencing greater interest is the "dry needling" of the chronic problems. (In some literature called Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous pines Tenotomi)

In working manual therapist and acupuncture. For many years used dry needling as a method to treat chronic tendon pathology, and has followed closely the research that has been presented on the site in recent years.Muscle & Skeleton that examined the use of ultrasound diagnosis in a manual therapist practice. In this article, commented the need for ultrasound as a guide to perform a dry needling accurately and efficiently. Some researchers also call this method for a percutaneous needle Tenotomi.

Recently used ultrasound (U.S.) to guide the needle into the actual tendon injury. The use of ultrasound has several obvious advantages. The clinical diagnosis can be ensured by UL. This avoids incorrect processing structure. At the same time ensures that the needles hit the U.S. jurisdiction in the tendon. Clinical trials are not good for determining where in the tendon injury is. Palpation is not a safe diagnostic tool in this respect. Using UL is the investigator exactly the scene.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and western education in physical therapy, orthopedic medicine (OMI) and manual therapy. In Chinese medicine have been published many articles in which "pepring" of the scene is used as acupuncture. It is not known in most communities, when people first and foremost envisions acupuncture as a method in which one uses a more global approach with pins.

By combining this method with the U.S. so we can go in and find where the tendon injury is and treat accurately. By uses both classical acupuncture needles and thin injection needles in this treatment. The advantage of using an injection needle is that it is stiffer and can easily be inserted via eg the thick layer of skin over the plantar fascia. An acupuncture needle tends to bend. In addition, an injection needle a more potent "cutting effect" that creates a somewhat larger "trauma" and thus a larger internal bleeding in the tendon. The advantage of an acupuncture needle is that the treatment is less painful. However, as mentioned earlier in this section as acupuncture needle creates a minor injury and one must often deal with more frequently to achieve the desired effect.

It perform 2-6 treatments with 1-2 week intervals in the treatment of chronic tendinopathy. During treatment with injection needle he often waits two weeks between treatments, whereas with acupuncture needles then you can / should deal with weekly. Often, only a few treatments may be enough to achieve the desired stimulation of the body to begin regeneration of tendon injury.

As a manual therapist had to treat patients without local anesthetic. The local anesthetic gives the therapist the ability to process longer so that you get stimulated whole tendon injury on a treatment. Without anesthesia, the patient will often not hold the entire treatment, so this must be carried out in several stages. One way which aids this problem if you do not have access to physician collaboration that local anesthetic is to ask the patient to take oral analgesics before treatment. This will possibly make the patient more susceptible to treatment. But he adds that all in all patients tolerated the treatment well without oral or local analgesia.

Having used tenotomi / dry needling as a method for many years before he began using U.S. guidance, able to compare the effects before and after UL - guidance. UL gives me the opportunity to make precise the treatment, he said. It is not just "touch and feel" as it is able to before. Used the U.S. as a diagnostic and counseling tool in the clinic for over 3 years.

Ultrasound diagnostics in combination with acupuncture is an effective treatment for tendon pathology and bursitis. Typical treatment areas is lateral epicondylitis, supraspinatus tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis. But the method can be used on all tendinopathy and bursitis where the medical history, clinical tests and the U.S. together give you an answer about the structure that should be addressed. It emphasize that the U.S. alone is not an adequate tool to perform diagnostics. But with physiotherapy knowledge of testing, the group has everything it takes to be good at this method. Internationally, it was the often radiology, pediatric, radiographers and sonographer who used ultrasound abdomen and barren, but now holds it to be more focus on skeletal muscle. Especially rheumatology use ultrasound frequently to assess the extent and localization of inflammation. There is now an increasing number of physiotherapists, manual therapists, clinical orthopedic physical therapists and chiropractors who use ultrasound practice. And the group is growing. Encourage everyone with an interest in skeletal muscle injuries to use ultrasound guided Percutaneous pines Tenotomi / dry needling as a treatment option for bursitis and tendinopathy.

Association for Clinical Orthopedic Medicine organizes an annual anatomy, dissection and injection rate for physical therapists and doctors at the preparations. This is an excellent way to familiarize themselves with the technique and anatomy is required to use tenotomi as an effective management tool.

Ultrasound with how had tested the treatment of 14 different tendon pathology with ultrasound guided percutaneous needle tenotomi. Their hypothesis was that treatment was equally effective even if you do not inject cortisone for tenotomien. They got good results in his study, but since the study lacked blinding, large enough numbers and a control group, so the results should be tested in a larger study. The method was used to treat lateral epicondylitis. This study was of higher quality, but the method they used was tenotomi followed by injection of cortisone to control inflammation in the aftermath. The authors in this study even discussed the possibility of carrying out treatment without cortisone, and presented a hypothesis that it was mainly the needle damaging effect that initiated regeneration, and that cortisone had no active role. But you used when cortisone to control inflammation after treatment.

In light of recent studies on the effect of Association for Clinical Orthopedic Medicine and cortisone their possible negative effects on healing after injury, is unsure of the need for cortisone. If the method of tenotomi is designed to create a new acute inflammation so that repair processes locally in the tissue is at it again, why would you then to inhibit this effect by injecting cortisone? Some have argued that cortisone softens scar tissue, but remains more research.

Good Medical Schools

Good Medical Schools

Main Courses on Medical School is due to medicine (anatomy, physiology and pathology) with 30 points, off basic medical training and nutrition therapy. In addition, school study in diet and nutrition (diet supervisor), preliminary course in anatomy and physiology, and start-up and operation for therapists ..

Teaching Methods
The school studies carried out either through online training, classroom sessions, or a combination thereof. Since the start of the school has been great emphasis on teaching through the Internet. There are many reasons, including that one can study when and where you want, you do not have expenses for travel and accommodation, you can study at their own pace, and last but not least, online teaching is environmentally friendly.

Some subjects, however, works best with a teacher present. Therefore, there will often voluntary or mandatory meetings in addition to teaching online. Many students also work together around the syllabus and assignments.

Online Teaching
In your school going learning and communication with teachers via the Internet. You can access your own password-protected online school, which will act as your "classroom" throughout the study period. There you will have access to articles, tutorials, lecture notes, assignments, discussions, repetitions, internet resources, video and so on.

As your student does one decide for yourself how and when to study and work so it is best for oneself. For that you should be able to get through the curriculum during the study period, follow a set progression, with regular mandatory submission tasks. This schedule is intended as a guide.
Good Medical Schools
If it should become necessary, have the opportunity to take time each topic, and may also extend the period of study (for a fee of 800, - for each semester). There may be restrictions in relation to the extension of studies where there is compulsory collection and / or studies that give credits.

All courses and programs are divided into different numbers of subjects (between 5 and 10). It is usually a written task (directed by the supervisor) and a quiz (corrected automatically) to each topic.

Medical School employs highly qualified tutors to their studies, such as doctors, nurses and other professionals. Teachers with different professional backgrounds contributes to different views on a topic, and is also useful and positive for a creative academic environment.

In studies that provide credit, there are prerequisites (general admission requirements or qualifications).

Want tight abdomen, follow these rules.

To get tight abdomen, you must combine exercise and proper nutrition.

Here are the basic rules that are required to be your belly tight, flat and attractive.

For starters, you should set the correct workouts that will burn both fat stores and decorate your muscles. Cardio workouts are ideal because they are loaded through the cardiovascular system, increases heart rate, which in turn is a prerequisite for burning body fat, improve fitness, stress relief, and perhaps most desired - lower weight. Cardio is good to be combined with abdominal exercises that will shape appeared after fat burning muscle.

Another mandatory rule is to avoid those foods that spoil the good appearance of your abdomen. For starters, these are the ones that lead to weight gain - cakes, pasta from white flour. Moreover, you should restrict those who swell-belly beans, lentils and especially sodas. As a general rule in nutrition is to consume less, but often. So food will be processed promptly, and the belly will be overloaded.

When combined these two principles of tight abdomen, you yourself will soon be able to boast one.

Tips for slimming your thighs!

If you want to get weak legs for shorts in the summer, you can start from now with the effort. The reason lies in the fact that your hips are so constructed that it is easy to accumulate fat, cellulite is formed, and at rapidly weakening skin too often hangs.
Problem lies in the fact that too thick thighs are not recommended fitness workout, because their effects can be quite the opposite - not weaken the hips, and even their apparent rounding.
That which is good advice to follow, however, slimming thighs:
  •  Drink lots of water - tap alternately with mineral;
  •  Turn sour foods from your diet because they predispose to accumulation in the thighs. The same goes for a alkoho - and without him not;
  •  It is better to limit the quantities of tea and coffee that you consume, not to keep your body fluids;
  •  Except the calories required to track and other nutritional values ​​of meals you eat. Choose food that is low in starch, advise experts in nutrition;
  •  It is important to eat plenty of seafood - fish food. It is better to combine them with tomatoes. The same applies to low-fat dairy products;
  •  Do not consume animal fats. Bet on the plant and then in small quantities.

Only then will get the much desired slimming thighs.

Cheat Pain

Cheat Pain

What is heartburn disease?

Chest fire caused by the stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) from the stomach (gastro) comes into the gullet (esophagus), that is, the acid moves opposite "direction of motion." The fact that gastric acid in this way flows "backwards" in the digestive tract, described in technical terms as reflux.

There are many names for this condition. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Gors) is the medical term for this disorder. Some just call it reflux disease. To make the condition easier to recognize, we have chosen to call it heartburn disease.

As mentioned, the condition causes heartburn (some say heartburn) and / or burning pain in upper abdomen or lower chest. Almost everyone has experienced heartburn, what's it take to call it a disease? Yes, the term disease means that reflux symptoms are so bothersome that they provide reduced quality of life and need for treatment.
Cheat Pain
In reflux disease there may be inflammatory changes in the lining of the lower esophagus (esophagitis), but the lining can also be completely normal on examination.

Fire Chest Disease occurs in 5-10% of the population. Mostly, of this is not visible inflammation of the esophagus.

Five Tips to keep your figure in their winter

Winters are generally perceived as a season in which the filling. The lack of sunny days, we substitute with sweets, chocolate and something something  crocquaient - just to not feel gloomy, we are not sad and cold. And not to mention lack of exercise - the combination makes the winter season really gain.
That's why right here comes these simple 5 tips through which you will not lose weight during the winter, but at least it will not meet in the spring with more rounded shapes.
What are these rules:

  • Bet on soup - the more often you eat soup, the more slender will save for warmer months. It was after a series of experiments that people soup lunch more often take an average of 100 calories and less every day;
  • Think of your figure - every time you want to transgress the border and indulge in something tasty, imagine how good you look if you do not eat;
  •  Noting - tested trick to eating less, regardless of the season is to write what, how and when we ate. This will feel uncomfortable to ourselves;
  • Focus on "good" cab's - when our menu lacks carbohydrates, we are often prone to depression and other emotional problems. So should not be deprived of them, but simply to weed out;
  • Find a job - you spend lazy winter evenings watching TV, are busy with something that will both raise your mood, but also burns calories.

Argan Oil Uses

Argan Oil Uses

Latin name: Argania spinosa.

Common names:
Argan argan oil , gold berbere.

Moisturizing, antioxidant, anti acne (acne traces), anti psoriasis, anti redness, anti aging, muscle relaxant, stabilizes cholesterol.

Suitable for:
Sunburn, skin irritations, psoriasis, dry skin, massage, premature skin aging, skin moisturizing, hair and nails brittle cholesterol.

The argan is one of the herbs and medicines and cosmetics are still little known. Only the almonds in fruits of the tree are used for making oil. The argan tree is a native of Morocco and has been used for centuries by women in the kitchen as Berbers (kernels are roasted before pressing) in cosmetics (amandon cold pressed without roasting).

Argan oil is rich in vitamins and unsaponifiables.

Cosmetics: Oil cosmetic, non-roasted almonds.

It is also rich in essential fatty acid's omega-6; it is very useful thanks to its anti-oxidants to fight against dry skin, slows skin aging, and improves hydration. It is used in massage, for the problems of dry hair and fragile to brittle nails or split.
Argan Oil Uses
Kitchen: Edible oil, roasted almonds.

Its high oleic acid content makes this oil, particularly interesting in the regulation of blood cholesterol. Some studies are underway, and it appears that two tablespoons a day of argan oil food for a month could significantly reduce cholesterol levels.

The negative point about argan oil is that the plant does not contain alpha-linolenic acid. This EGM is as important as others and should be part of the diet. Argan oil cannot be the only oil in your kitchen. It is important to rely on rapeseed oil and / or soybean oil for this acid.

Lose weight with hot water!

You've probably heard of the popular diet, the basis on which stand the hot water!
If so and if not interested, you can learn how to apply them, is there a lasting effect and results in the lines below.
For starters, the diet itself consists of drinking 400 milliliters of water immediately after waking. The results of several studies, thus dramatically enhance your metabolism, which is essential for weight loss. This is a diet! In practice, the word diet is not very appropriate because many of those who adhere to the consumption of water immediately after waking, do not change their eating habits drastically.
For better effect, taste and tone, some water added to the honey and lemon juice. but, that's fine, but if you do not warm this combination, it is not mandatory. The only prerequisite is to have a performance mode, the water should be consumed fairly warm small sips.
Of course, if you limit the food that you know causes injury to your figure and do exercise regularly, the effect will be even better and faster. Water early in the morning starts your metabolism to cope more easily if food is limited. Exercise will do your body tight and will donate freshness and tone.

For weight loss it is important that the number of calories, not their source

Although many would led a heated argument with you, zealously defending one or another diet favoring fat, carbohydrates or protein, in fact, it appears that there is almost no difference.

According to a study published in the prestigious journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the key to success is simply to reduce their calorie intake.

The research team concluded that there was no significant difference in weight loss or reduction of adipose tissue in humans, observed four radically different modes.

"The main predictor of weight loss was the strict observance of the regime. Those participants who adhered to his regime toppled more weight than others. "Said one of the leading researchers in the study - George Bray.

Bray and his colleagues randomly assigned to several thousand people are overweight or obese in one of four groups according to diet:

  • diet with moderate intake of protein, low in fat and high carbohydrate
  • diet with high intake of protein, low in fat and high carbohydrate
  • diet with moderate protein intake, high fat and low carbohydrate
  • diet with high intake of protein, high fat and low carbohydrate
Each diet is designed so as to reduce caloric intake by 750 calorie day.

After a period of six months and then two years after the start of the study, researchers measured the weight, fat and muscle mass of participants.

Regardless of the mode, the results of the sixth month were: loss of 4.1 kg 2.3 kg fat and muscle mass.

The second year a small proportion of lose weight was regained, but completed the study participants lost an average of more than 3.6 kg, of which nearly 1.4 kg were taken from the abdomen. Recall that it is fat in the abdomen are a risk factor for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease.

It should be noted that a large number of study participants started gradually dropped, and the diets of those who failed to complete, were greatly changed.

Researchers such as they had hoped to establish two groups who provide 25% of calories through protein (high protein regimes), and two groups receiving 15% of calories from protein. Instead, all four groups completed the study with diets that contained protein equivalent to 20% of calories.

Finally, experts advise to forget prejudices of the people around you. Instead, surrender to the regime that best suits you (as long as he is healthy) because success lies in consistency.

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