For weight loss it is important that the number of calories, not their source

Although many would led a heated argument with you, zealously defending one or another diet favoring fat, carbohydrates or protein, in fact, it appears that there is almost no difference.

According to a study published in the prestigious journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the key to success is simply to reduce their calorie intake.

The research team concluded that there was no significant difference in weight loss or reduction of adipose tissue in humans, observed four radically different modes.

"The main predictor of weight loss was the strict observance of the regime. Those participants who adhered to his regime toppled more weight than others. "Said one of the leading researchers in the study - George Bray.

Bray and his colleagues randomly assigned to several thousand people are overweight or obese in one of four groups according to diet:

  • diet with moderate intake of protein, low in fat and high carbohydrate
  • diet with high intake of protein, low in fat and high carbohydrate
  • diet with moderate protein intake, high fat and low carbohydrate
  • diet with high intake of protein, high fat and low carbohydrate
Each diet is designed so as to reduce caloric intake by 750 calorie day.

After a period of six months and then two years after the start of the study, researchers measured the weight, fat and muscle mass of participants.

Regardless of the mode, the results of the sixth month were: loss of 4.1 kg 2.3 kg fat and muscle mass.

The second year a small proportion of lose weight was regained, but completed the study participants lost an average of more than 3.6 kg, of which nearly 1.4 kg were taken from the abdomen. Recall that it is fat in the abdomen are a risk factor for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease.

It should be noted that a large number of study participants started gradually dropped, and the diets of those who failed to complete, were greatly changed.

Researchers such as they had hoped to establish two groups who provide 25% of calories through protein (high protein regimes), and two groups receiving 15% of calories from protein. Instead, all four groups completed the study with diets that contained protein equivalent to 20% of calories.

Finally, experts advise to forget prejudices of the people around you. Instead, surrender to the regime that best suits you (as long as he is healthy) because success lies in consistency.

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