Winters are generally perceived as a season in which the filling. The lack of sunny days, we substitute with sweets, chocolate and something something crocquaient - just to not feel gloomy, we are not sad and cold. And not to mention lack of exercise - the combination makes the winter season really gain.
That's why right here comes these simple 5 tips through which you will not lose weight during the winter, but at least it will not meet in the spring with more rounded shapes.
What are these rules:
- Bet on soup - the more often you eat soup, the more slender will save for warmer months. It was after a series of experiments that people soup lunch more often take an average of 100 calories and less every day;
- Think of your figure - every time you want to transgress the border and indulge in something tasty, imagine how good you look if you do not eat;
- Noting - tested trick to eating less, regardless of the season is to write what, how and when we ate. This will feel uncomfortable to ourselves;
- Focus on "good" cab's - when our menu lacks carbohydrates, we are often prone to depression and other emotional problems. So should not be deprived of them, but simply to weed out;
- Find a job - you spend lazy winter evenings watching TV, are busy with something that will both raise your mood, but also burns calories.