Whole Grains - required!

Your body needs carbohydrates mainly for energy, the best source of carbohydrates and fiber are whole grains - oatmeal, whole grain pasta and brown rice.

Average consumption of 2.5 servings of whole grains each day is associated with 21% lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Whole grains help control blood sugar and insulin levels. This reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and keep your appetite under control.

When you're constantly hungry, do not overdo it with food that will help you lose weight. Whole grains are enemies and constipation.

Here's how to include whole-grain foods in your diet (if you have not already done so, for what you look reproachfully at the moment):

- Replace with whole grain bread products.

- If you can not part with your favorite sweets, then replace half the white flour with whole wheat.

- Add brown and wild rice or barley in vegetable soup.

- During the evening Eat popcorn movie (sorry, but no salt and butter) instead of chips.

- There are numerous possibilities as long as you want and you will find ...

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