Obsession with healthy eating - ortorexia

Have you ever been longing for something tasty but unhealthy? Probably no man who never had a gust of something cute, fried or breaded or a sip of alcohol after a hard day. In fact, transgressions are part of our "dark" side, without which it is difficult to live. Some call them "soul food", others consider them to be their biggest enemy.

Whether if you remove them entirely from their menu and eat very healthy with very healthy foods and include physical exercise of its limits, we can achieve optimum health and figure that will keep us safely to old age. Certainly the idea is wonderful but not always coincide with reality, and holier than thou because God is dear:

Obsession with healthy eating has led to the emergence of new nutritional disorder called ortorexia.

What ortorexia

Ortorexia nervosa or simply ortorexia is a term coined by Dr. Steven Bratman to describe the condition in people who are obsessed with the idea of ​​right or healthy eating.

Although it sounds paradoxical, ortorexia never been healthier, on the contrary - endanger human health.

Ortorexia still not officially accepted term in medical nomenclature.

Symptoms of ortorexia

Sufferer from ortorexia is obsessed with the idea of ​​determining compliance and the perfect diet. It will consume exclusively foods that make him feel strong, vibrant and purified and generally will avoid any that contain:

  • artificial colors, preservatives or condiments
  • pesticides or genetically modified food
  • fat, sugar or salt
  • any animal products
  • other food ingredients considered unhealthy

Symptoms of ortorexia nervosa include:

  • Mania for proper nutrition.
  • Obsession with food itself. Ortorexia people are obsessed by the method of preparation and composition of the food they eat, to the extent that it violates their daily activities.
  • Refusal to accept any food other than the prescribed diet. Ortorexia makes one a diet no matter what price. For example ortoreksikat will not go to a restaurant or guests, if there is a chance to eat poor quality or "junk" food.
  • Severe guilt in committing the offense - a prerequisite for depression.
  • Nutritional deficiency. Very restrektivnata diet that respect, limited variety of food and leads to malnutrition and starvation.
  • Striving for perfection. Most ortoreksitsi seek to achieve its purpose as a diet perfect health, shape, or detoxification.
  • Antisocial behavior and critical of people who do not adhere to their definitions of "healthy" diet.

Dangers ortorexia

Although the condition is still not well understood, it is assumed that the craze for healthy eating and generally healthy lifestyle can reach extraordinary extremes and lead to serious eating disorders and even death.

Ortorexia can kick some serious illnesses such as anorexia and bulimia, according to experts.

Even in milder cases ortoreksitsite seek to restrict certain food groups and a cult of others, which is also associated with malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies. In addition, their quality of life is reduced by the frequent qualms regarding diversion from their designated "health" standards.

People with ortorexia limit their social contacts to people with similar interests and eating habits. They often avoid any events and festivals, but to exclude "sin" when going to the guests bring their own food.

Like people with bulimia or anorexia, ortoreksitsite can also reach the stage where the obsession with diet may impair the performance of daily activities and duties. Their strict rules and beliefs about food isolates them from society and often cause panic attacks, anxiety and even depression.

Striving for a perfect body and ortorexia

With the rising influence of media on contemporary society and everywhere flooded our beautiful pieces sculpted bodies and no wonder why the pursuit of the perfect body has become the number one goal for many young people.

Hence ortorexia step is to small states often go together.

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