Frequently Asked Questions fitness

1. When is the appropriate fitness to practice?

There is distinct evidence of the benefits of training, conducting training sessions during a certain time of day. It is believed that high insulin levels promote strength training night and morning before breakfast is good to do cardio for more effective fat loss. Ultimately, our advice is to find the right time for you, because in busy lives we live, will rarely have the opportunity to adjust their work with gym workouts.

2. What "number" fitness needs one?
It is best to find time for the three main components of training:
  • resistive (strength) exercises
  • aerobic exercise
  • stretching (or elastic exercise flexion)

As a "minimum dose" take fitness strength training 2 times per week. Not necessarily, they are too long if you do not have enough time for that. For 40 minutes it is possible to efficiently load all muscle groups. When it comes to aerobic activity or HIIT training 4 times a week is optimum performance with adequate duration of 30 minutes and 15 minutes. And finally at rest after strength and cardio training you can improve your mobility and flexibility and reduce risk of injury.

3. Can I reached a spot reduction of fat with a workout? (To lose fat in specific body)

Unlikely! Although there are supporters point reduction to practice, conventional wisdom is that it exists. Man loses weight when it burns more calories than those who consume food or beverages. Strength training may increase muscle mass in a specific body part, but this  way will not lose fat in that area. However there are significant benefits of gaining muscle. Furthermore, it increases your strength, added muscle mass will help burn calories even at rest.

4. Should I include resistive (strength) training in your training program?

It is better to do. Imagine your muscles as a machine for efficient combustion of fuel (calories). If you are trying to burn fat, the extra muscle will help you burn more calories even at rest. Strength training also increases strength, which helps you perform your daily duties. Furthermore, studies have shown that strength training increases confidence in the enviable greater degree of aerobic activity.

5. What is the probability that a woman can become overly muscular physique as a result of strength training?

The likelihood is minimal. Women do not have that large amount of anabolic hormones as men and therefore it is practically impossible a woman with normal hormonal status to acquire vision bodybuilder without the aid of doping. In the process of training will inevitably find an increase in the size and number of muscle fibers, but remember that your muscles are considerably weaker than fat.

6. To wrap it with plastic wrap or dress up your thermal wedge when you exercise to lose weight. Will you lose weight faster?

Such practices lead to fluid loss, which does not recommend. The loss of body weight and fat is the result of negative calorie balance.

7. What results can be expected from the strength training 2-4 times a week, combined with nutrition, when I am over 40 years?

Tone, health, self esteem and improve your vision.

8. How fast can I lose weight without risk to health?
It is safe to lose weight at a rate of about 600 grams to 1 kilogram per week. When you start exercising, you may notice a sudden change in weight, but after a while things will balance. A rapid change in body mass can lead to intense loss of muscle mass, which is by no means desired effect. Moreover, rapid weight loss can lead to loss of fat from parenchymal organs and related health problems. Rapid weight loss is difficult to sustain in the long run.

9. Is it better to be sore muscles after a workout?
"No pain, no progress" is a cliche in the distant past. At no point in training should not feel pain and pain is not proof of a good workout. However, it is terrible to feel some pain in the first 1-2 days after novel exercise program, but this should not happen too often. Standing discomfort may be an indication that higher levels of physical activity or the rate of increase in weight over the working limit individual rate.

10. What are the symptoms and signs of over training?
There are many symptoms that accompany over-training. Some of them are:

  • Reduced capacity
  • Feeling tired even after a day at rest
  • Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders
  • Increased heart rate at rest
  • More injuries than usual with a longer recovery period
  • Loss of appetite

11. Who is the best way to prevent injuries and bruises?
To reduce the risk of accidents during training, review the following basic rules:

  • Listen to your body. It will show you that something is wrong with pain or fatigue occurred.
  • Give yourself plenty of rest. Depending on the level of loading, two or three days off a week you may need. Fatigue significantly increases the chances to get injured during training. Afforded rest helps the body to restore, build muscle mass and work better in the next load.
  • Do not over train. Do not increase the volume of training with more than 10% per week, whether it's for aerobic, HIIT or resistance training.
  • Conditioning workouts. Combine work in the gym with various physical activity, Train your muscles differently. Conditioning or "X" training (eg swimming, running, volleyball, football, etc..) Will make less  susceptible of injuries.
  • Use reliable and safe equipment. Make sure you are not broken or worn in any way.
  • Consult a professional. If you want to train a new way or try a new appliance, check before a qualified person to explain the ambiguities.

12. Is it better to feel pain during exercise?
No. Pain is the way the body with which it tells us that something is as it should be. When one ignores the pain, your injury will not improve and may become chronic or worsen. Then this trauma will not only hinder your athletic performance, but will reduce the quality of your life.

13. Who is the best way to stay in shape while recovering from an injury?
Depending on the type and extent of damage there are physical activities that will not aggravate your injury. The classic example is swimming, which is an alternative to other aerobic activity. You can even stay in shape through strength training, not involving the affected body part. For example, if you suffer from trauma to the shoulder - you can train your lower body to maintain tone.


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