We are what we eat

U.S. scientists have found that regular and prolonged consumption of foods high in fat, leads to a change in motivation and human behavior.

Connie Jackson and his colleagues at the University of Illinois conducted a scientific experiment, Accuracy of which was to study the influence of food on maznato secretion of the hormone dopamine in the brain. In the nervous system plays the role of dopamine neurotransmitters - substance with which information is transmitted from one neuron to another. He participates in the regulation of human behavior, including motivation and food preferences.

For the experiments conducted by U.S. researchers were used laboratory mice. Experimental animals were divided into two groups. These were the first high-fed and fat-rich products, and the second group received standard food for rodents, which have a minimum fat content.

Was found in the brain of mice from the first group, the level of dopamine and its derivatives was significantly lower than in other rodents.

These data confirm results of previous experiments showing that obese people who consume high-fat meal, the concentration of dopamine is reduced.

Researchers stress that the type and quality of food we eat affect biochemical processes in the brain. The use of large amounts of fat, influences behavior, in breach of motivation and desire to work in both rats and humans.

The results were presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of eating behavior (Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior - SSIB).

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