In form and in winter

In summer it is easier to maintain good form, warm days predispose to stay close to nature and activity, and decreased appetite. Gets cold, however, reduces traffic and increases appetite.

In fact, there are serious reasons for such behavior during the winter months. As expressed some experts, this looks like a mistaken belief of a pregnant woman in this period you can eat whatever he wants.

In other words, winter is not a reason to sit in one place to eat. If so, the U.S. state of Colorado would be full of fat people, but it is state of the lowest percentage of obese people in the country, which is explained by the tendency of people to spend much time on the move outdoors.

We asked famous New York specialists in fitness and nutrition - Joshua Margolis and Shapiro Ilays how to protect your health and well being during the winter months. Here are their tips:

Eat citrus fruits
In winter's cold and flu viruses torturing. So in this season's immune system must be the most powerful states Shapiro. To strengthen the immunity he recommends the adoption of vitamin C. In winter there are oranges and tangerines, fill a bowl with citrus fruit and instead of chips - eat in them.

Find a partner for sports
When morning outside is dark and cold, people hardly leave their warm bed to go to the gym, says Margolis. But if you know about sports, it's easier. Subject to meeting automatically creates a sense of responsibility. If there is no one to exercise, write on Facebook: "Tomorrow morning I will let down a little, you want someone to make my company?"

Be selective food
In the winter we want to eat heavier foods. Be more careful - instead eat a calorie dense soup with cream, cook a stew of lentils and aromatic vegetables. Replace full-fat dairy products and beef with turkey, Shapiro advises. Carbohydrates procured their whole grains - brown rice or pasta.

Buy accessories for winter sports
Objects, which put money in use. If you buy skates, ski poles, ski goggles, they are unlikely to remain unused. It is best to put purchases in a prominent place to remind you of your intentions. Guilt is a good motivator.

Take beta-carotene
Antioxidants protect against cell damage and fighting various diseases - from cancer to common cold. According to Dr. Shapiro, if you increase their intake during the winter, you'll catch cold less and heal more quickly. Beta-carotene is a major antioxidant and food, which contains, can be obtained in the winter. Carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli have all season, and they are full of substances that fight infection.

Select your winter sports
There are many sports that require low temperatures, such as skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, skating, ice climbing, says Margolis. Winter is a good reason to sport something different. Body get used to making one type of physical exercise and start to invest less energy in them. Challenge your body with the mastery of a new winter sport. Or simply organize a fight with the kids with snowballs. An 8 year old child can make you burn calories much.

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