Jogging on empty stomach - lose fat

Morning jogging fasting is common practice for those engaged in active sports. The aim is to remove unwanted fat deposits for a short period of time.

The method is suitable for people involved in bodybuilding, as they have a strict diet and weight reduction is their problem.

When the stomach is empty, the body begins to procure the necessary nutrients from body reserves, or more precisely by burning fat. Thus, the body begins to absorb the accumulated body mass, which encourages weight loss.

In combination with the running, the process of burning excess fat is accelerated and simultaneously increases the body's physical activity.

Elevated levels of cortisol in the morning run of fasting also influence the degradation of unwanted fatty deposits and help in the process of losing excess weight.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is secreted by the adrenal glands. Is also called "stress hormone" because its release after emotional and physical stressful situations.

The highest levels of cortisol in the body are between 6-8 hours in the morning as the day the amount is reduced to midnight and reached high levels again.

Experts do not recommend running a morning fasting people with health problems such as low blood pressure, anemia, and others.

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