Light lunch helps in weight loss

Usually when you miss a meal, then feel very hungry and the first serving is plenty of opportunity Eat less, sometimes much harder.

But if you eat small portions and you can lose a significant amount of weight a year, at least it shows a recent survey.

Conducted the study team examined the diets of 17 volunteers who ate whenever they want from their buffet available for one week. Scientists are weighing food before and after meals.

Half of the volunteers were asked to choose for lunch one of six foods, the quantity of such portion is strictly regulated - pasta, soup and more. This restriction was only for lunch, but not for other meals. The other half have eaten normally. All this lasted 2 weeks.

The study found that half of the participants who ate the controlled portions of food for lunch, daily received 250 fewer calories and lost an average of one pound of weight for 2 weeks.

The results confirm the claim that eating small portions is one of the most effective ways of removing the excess weight.

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