Several contributions regarding diet

How do I know if I eat too much?

A simple diet plan can help you understand how much food to eat per day. However, many people are unaware of the quantity. It is therefore necessary to weigh the food until you come to determine the correct portion "of the eye." For several weeks use measuring cups, spoons and dishes to measure the exact amount of food you eat. After a while you can define a half bowl of rice, for example, of an eye. Then you can stop with the measurements.

Where and how you eat is also very important. If you eat while watching TV or talking on the phone can accept no more food to feel. Or maybe you eat certain foods because they are in your refrigerator.

Most people eat more than necessary just because it is a habit, not because they are hungry. If you are in this kind of people is important to understand what is the reason and eventually eliminate it.

Here are some steps that can help you improve your diet:

  • Make a food diary, which includes:

       - When you eat
       - What you ate
       - Where you eat
  • Eat slowly. Put your fork down after her eat the food, or at least swallow the food before you take the new one.
  • Do not eat so. 'Fast' food - from fast food
  • Eat only in the kitchen or living room. This can help you not take much food, watching TV
  • Avoid "bored" foods. Do other things that can pinpoint the refrigerator instead of eating.

How do I know that my diet is good?

The idea of ​​any diet is continued control of body weight with a slow weight loss without risk to your health. Rapid weight loss (eg very low calorie diets and diets that prohibit the adoption of certain food groups) may be hazardous to your health and do not lead to a prolonged effect.

A good diet provides all the nutrients and calories you need - usually around 1,200 to 1.800 per day. The amount of calories you need depends on your daily activity. The diet should also aim at lowering the weight slowly. About a pound a week is ideal. This equals about 500 calories per day. (Rapid weight loss may be helpful in some cases, but must be done under medical supervision. Exercise should also be part of any diet.

To be successful your diet, it should allow you to eat foods you love. Otherwise, long-term effects is uncertain.

Aerobic exercise (cycling, swimming, running, dancing, walking) reduced reserve of body fat, increasing oxygen in the body.Reducing total fat leads to greater physical endurance,increases energy duration.

Avoid actions of this sort: at the breakfast or lunch to eat plenty of evening.

Distributed everywhere food diet can give you direction, but the diet should set it according to their needs and lifestyle. Some people need very strict control, while others - not.

Before you give your money to appoint a diet (commercial or not) first ask what your interests - for example, whether failure of the money will be returned, ask for additional payments.

A good diet will allow you to:

  • Choose foods to eat
  • You can not prohibit the adoption of a particular food group
  • ensure that you contact a professional team with experience

What if I gain weight?

If you have a 15% or more lower than normal weight should first consult a physician to determine whether or not due to a medical problem. The doctor probably will prescribe an appropriate diet and will advise you to limit your exercise.

To gain weight you can add about 500 to 1000 calories per day. Like losing weight gain should be done gradually. Snack between main meals might result.

How safe are diet?

If you are obese, poor nutrition may not be enough to start are the lose weight as you have planned. Your doctor should discuss the possible inclusion to the diet of medical supervision, low calorie beverages or taking your prescribed diet pills. These additions are not suitable for everyone and is recommended in most cases people who are full or have medical problems related to weight. Diet pills can cause serious side effects and therefore should be used only under medical supervision.

All the above additions to the diet have a short-term results and to have a lasting effect on weight loss must occur and changes in everyday eating. Many of these stimulants contain stimulants and / or diuretics that cause you to spend up faster than usual. Stimulants and diuretics are potentially dangerous. There is some connection between stimulants and sudden death, diuretics can cause dehydration and cardiac arrhythmia. These drugs can lose weight very quickly, but will upload it again immediately after you exit the application.

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