Rejuvenation and without exhausting yourself slim diet

If you've come to believe that it is the way of eating is the foundation of good health, do not be fooled by foreign widely advertised diets. Small changes in behavior can change not only appearance and your self-confidence but also your overall health.

  •  In addition to your morning cup of coffee one more day. U.S. scientists say it may reduce the risk of diabetes nursing.
  • Not your delivery meals on the table in general tableware. It was found that when food is served in every dish, people eat 35% less than if you pour the vessels in the middle.
  •  It was found that the beverages are borne imperceptibly by 400 calories a day. If you opt out of sweetened tea and sodas, only a year will be skinnier.
  • Calculate the amount of food you take. British scientists did an experiment and found that people who eat before they remember what they ate the last meal, take 30% fewer calories.
  •  In each meal protein intake. They are the best way to speed up metabolism and reduce appetite.
  •  Eat whole grain bread instead of white or processed grains. Whole grains reduce risk of cancer and heart disease.
  • Twice weekly fish will keep your mind sharp and reduce risk of Alzheimer's. The most suitable fish are salmon, herring, mackerel, trout.
  •  Reduce their usual servings of a quarter. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania say that this is only enough to take 10% fewer calories and they do not feel hunger. This is the place to mention that portions in restaurants are usually 2 to 3 times higher than recommended.
  • Shut the TV. No doubt, as has been shown repeatedly - people who watch TV while eating, take "the company" or the series show an average of 300 calories more.
  • Place the fork on the table, while chewing food. Or take a sip of water after every bite. Greek researchers found that eating slowly increasing levels of two hormones that create a feeling of satiety.
  • Eat breakfast with rye or whole wheat bread. Eight hours later you will feel fuller than if you ate white bread. This is due to the high fiber content in rye and its minimal effect on blood sugar. After this breakfast, and eat less at lunch.
  • An emphasis on fruits and vegetables. Beyond doubt is that people who take 4 or 5 servings per day had better results on tests of mental abilities than those who eat fruits and vegetables 1 time per day and less frequently.
  •  Green tea helps strengthen bones and prevent fractures associated with aging. Green tea is a great remedy for unpleasant breath.
  • Try to physical effort before lunch or dinner. According to British scientists after sports people satiate more easily and absorb fewer calories.
  • Sleep for about 8 hours a day. Doctors unite around this board and indicated that both too long and of insufficient sleep is filling.
  • Not deprived of their favorite foods. Good nutrition does not mean deprivation, more attention to quantity. Eat your favorite foods but in smaller quantities.
  • Ye do not underestimate the quality and content. Choose foods with fewer additives such as stabilizers, artificial sweeteners, colorings and flavors. They are harmful.
  • Eat 3-4 nuts every day. So quickly will increase the value of good cholesterol and reduce bad.
  • Eat breakfast with omelet. People who eat eggs for morning croissants, consume about 300 calories less during the rest of the day. The explanation is that proteins sate more than carbohydrates.

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