Advice on a diet

1. The following figures on the scale and mirror. But do not despair very quickly, I recommend starting this observation at the earliest one week after beginning the diet.

2. Eat 2 or 3 times a day (as you are used), but only after they experience true hunger.

3. Eat slowly, without hurry, and chew each bite (even the soup) 30-40 times.

4. Administer, simple food.

5. Preferably raw, boiled or roasted, but by no means fried! Remember that cooking and baking, reduce the number of calories in a product and frying them increases. It is also harmful to the stomach.

6. Used more as a side dish of rice and less potatoes.

7. Forget pungent, sour, strong spice cans.

8. Do not drink alcohol only in extreme cases of white wine and then in small quantities.

9. Drink plenty of fluids, especially mineral water 1.5-2 liters per day, but never during meals.

10. Set one day a week as a landing, which would take only mineral water, flavored with honey. Remember that water is a strong diuretic.

11. Remember that you do not need to lose weight quickly and healthily and permanently.

12. Once you reach the desired weight to keep track of the scale 2 times a week. Stick to your new diet, you start to turn in their lunch menu and a few mouthfuls of bread.

13. Take care of your face and your hair, buy a new dress. This will create confidence and stimulate you.

14. I firmly believe that you can look like top models on television and it depends only on you.

Remember that this number - 30 calories per pound! Nine calories equal one gram of fat. Create your account and within the scope of this rule will increase or decrease their food by water on table food calories.

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