How to lose weight - some useful truths

Turning to arrangements aimed at reducing weight, you must be aware that the result may not occur quickly. Alone we are convinced that diets that lead to rapid weight loss with yo-yo effect, ie for a much shorter time than we are from the treatment leads to return of baseline weight, even with the extra weight. Abundantly clear is that such regimes are not healthy and if you do not affect health at the moment, in the long run lead to serious consequences and distortions in the metabolism in the body.

Although supply and pharmaceutical products promising weight reduction, the truth is that there is only one way to achieve lasting and effective weight loss - to consume quality food that provides necessary nutrients to individual energy needs of the organism.

First step. Limited, not only for a certain period, but did consumption of products that carry excess calories. This group liquid foods that we often forget to calculate - coffee specialties, smoothies, milk drinks, alcohol. The refusal of calorie-rich fluids leads to easier and faster deprivation of a few pounds.

Move more. Not necessarily required to attend gym or run the stadium every day. Try to move more in everyday life: walking, instead of taking the vehicle for two stops, Ride with the kids, take the time to walk, even cleaning at home is a way to keep in shape as long as it is organized and efficient .

The trick is that the food we need to accept it in small portions throughout the day. This stabilizes the amount of blood sugar, which controls appetite, constant level. In a balanced menu in the ratio: 40 vegetables, 30 cereal and 30 protein energy charge is maintained for a longer period for the body. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, does not help weight loss. In fact, those who do not eat during the day or skip meals, overeat at night.

Without water not working! Often you tend to confuse thirst with hunger. Acceptance of sufficient water to ensure no exam hunger when the body does not really need food. More importantly, water participates in all processes in the body and helps absorption of nutrients.

Depression - extra calories. Studies show that when we are bored or sad and worried reach for food. For this purpose, must find the reason for the negative emotional state and sought to solve the problem. In the event that frequent feeding is due to lack of exercise and a surplus of free time, finding a hobby or participation in group activities are a variant of decision.

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