Dangerous diets

Specialists in nutrition concluded that following diets are anything but not reasonable! Therefore recommend - do not follow them!

Raw food diet - it requires that all foods can be eaten raw or otherwise - in their natural form. Those who diet, reject heat treatment, because it leads to the loss of body enzymes. Many nutritionists confirm the belief that treatment will be minimal, but most experts believe that it was preparing food for human consumption makes it more digestible, while destroying many unhealthy components.

Diet soup with cabbage - cabbage soup is extremely popular and fast way of removing a few pounds. While variations are many, they all provide at least a 7-day cycle, which can be considered almost exclusively cabbage soup. Yes, thus the body does not dehydrate, but this and all other gear diets is bad for the body as there is no time balanced diet;

Bretarianska diet - from all unreasonable diets, this is most unreasonable. Those who choose to comply, it appears that we must live only by air. Is not only prohibited any food but water. You can imagine just how much time surviving in this way?

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