Being overweight is associated with acne in girls

Complete girls are twice as prone to acne than their peers with normal weight, reported a major Norwegian study did not detect the same relationship in boys.

Around 3600 young people from the capital of Norway Oslo, aged between 18 and 19 years have provided information about their pimples, weight, diet and other health factors.

Only 10% of girls and 15% of boys fell into the category of overweight or obese based on their body mass index.

From teenage girls between overweight and obesity 19 of 100 reported suffering from moderate or severe acne, compared with 13 of every 100 women with normal weight. After taking into account other potential risk factors such as diet, smoking and mental stress, the researchers concluded that excessive and obese women are affected twice as often acne.

In contrast to acne reported about 14% of boys regardless of their weight.

The results of the study explains Dr. Nanette Silvarberg, director of skin clinic for children and adolescents. According to him overweight and obesity predispose to insulin resistance and changes in levels of other hormones as well as higher blood pressure. It is these factors can contribute to the emergence and development of acne.

Ultimately, the team conducted the study concluded that between 10 and 20 percent of adolescents suffer from moderate or severe acne. Many other studies have documented the enormous impact of this condition on emotional and social life of teenagers victims.

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