The ten most healthy foods

Proper nutrition is the key to longevity and youth. This we know it all. But we are so confident in the knowledge of the elements that put together the concept of "eating properly". Some advice: eat garlic and onions every day. Others urged to emphasize the yogurt. And one of the latest theories is right on the border of the infamous "The less you eat, the longer you will live!" Actually, the secret of a healthy diet that keeps vitality and youth agility even in old age is to eat less, but while taking as many vital nutrients. Unbelievable but true - it really is possible! A special selection of products that meets both seem mutually exclusive conditions.

1. Brown rice
Many people avoid carbohydrates because the idea that they are filling. But in fact «ality they are very important to maintain energy. Do not pass whole grains: brown rice, bread and porridge from cereals, which contain much fiber. These foods reduce bad cholesterol, lowering risk of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, gallstones and diabetes. Care for the tone and health of the intestine, the activity decreases with age.

2. Hen eggs
Responses to them have always been rather negative, but here's an argument in their favor: Eggs are a source of protein and lutein, which protects the eyes from the onset of cataracts. Recent studies give reason to believe that eggs prevent blood clots. And according to another major study, completed recently, consumption of 6 eggs per week decreased by 44% risk of breast cancer. Even the most serious indictment of the hen "fruit" that raise cholesterol, is about to finally dropped - nutritionists have recently argued that a 1-2 eggs
day does not present any danger because the body does not store cholesterol imported ready-made rich by his products, and produce it himself from saturated fat.

3. Milk
As we age, our need for calcium increases. It is important to attend daily diet rich in this element products, such as skimmed cow's milk. It is very useful for health and very rich in calcium, necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis! Drink two cups daily skimmed cow's milk or plug in your diet yogurt and calcium-rich fruits.

4. Spinach
As a small treasure is - it has so many nutrients as in any other product.
Spinach is a source of iron, vitamins C, A and K and antioxidants, which help us to protect ourselves from heart attack and stroke. Provides reliable protection against colon cancer, osteoporosis and arthritis. Like eggs, green leaves also contain lutein lot, so here is a variant of a healthy breakfast: eat eggs with spinach puree.

5. Bananas
One fruit contains 467 mg of potassium, which is needed by the body daily to keep muscles (especially cardiac) strong and healthy. Banana also regulates high blood pressure appears to be a valuable source of fiber and very successful ambulance in acids. Add sliced ​​banana in the morning in his oat porridge or shake it in a blender with yogurt and some fruit juice - a great energy to start the day.

6. Chicken, fowls
This is most useful meat is rich in protein and prevents the reduction of bone density. From him pick the chest, which has less fat and skin removed beforehand. Chicken is also a source of trace elements selenium, which protects
cancer, as well as B vitamins, which are a natural source of energy and stimulant of brain activity.

7. Salmon
It is filled with useful oteda-3 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol, protect against some cancers and prevent blood clots. Studies show that salmon relieves depression and prevent memory loss. Contains nicotinic acid, which protects the scientific evidence of Alzheimer's disease. Set a specific task: at least 3 times a week to eat salmon.

8. Blueberry
Few calories, lots of nutrients!
Blueberry contains antioxidants, which are fierce warriors against cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins,
stomach ulcers, heart disease and cancer. The unique healing reduces fruit damage of brain function after stroke. It has proven anti-inflammatory action.

9. Herbs
Over the years the taste buds weaken and easiest is to add salt to it seems a delicious meal. But above the permissible norm salt raises blood pressure. The right solution is tampering with food herbs. Fresh fragrant plants best deal tasting, but for the sake of convenience and command of proper nutrition keep an assortment of dried grasses and herbs.

10. Garlic
No need for a passionate argument in its favor, but still recall in summary: a powerful ally of immunity, protects against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Reduces the risk of stroke. It has anti-inflammatory, soothes pain and swelling of arthritis. Useful in diabetes. If you do not tolerate compromising its flavor, used it as a garlic capsules.

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