Weakening of the abdomen with chocolate and olives!

It turns out that the combination of two products - chocolate and olives - makes weight loss easier Ham, both delicious!

Almost no woman and a man of this world who does not want to lose 2-3, and that the more weight that prevent, to reach perfection. Diet, exercise, fasting, then obesity is worse than last time and so the vicious circle closes.
So I suggest you an innovative diet which is created, say its authors, it is for people who have experienced anything but have not achieved the desired effect on your body. It's about that diet, highlights of which are placed on the chocolate and olives.
Chocolate and olive, say experts in the field of nutrition are two products that provoke the most rapidly weakening in the abdomen and waist, provoking the burning of accumulated there monounsaturated fats.
Diet itself with chocolate and olives takes place in two stages - the first is to improve the performance of the gastrointestinal tract and in the second there is very slimming.
The first lasts 4 days, during which should be taken no more than 1200 calories. The second stage has a duration of 28 days, food per day should not exceed 1600 calories. Required are chocolate and olives, and a special cocktail made from water with ginger, which added to the cucumber, lemon juice and mint leaves.

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