Four ways to tame appetite

Besides sport and physical activity, reduction of appetite is one of the most important tasks for those who are trying to fightobesity and regain their good form.

Almost everyone at some time in their lives are subjected to grueling diet and diets with the sole aim to maintain or regain their slender figure. In the name of good form, we try to suppress your appetite, however, often torturing our hunger. Experts explain that as a result of strict dieting and deprivation, increased stress in the body and weight, lowered into a state of stress, quickly recovered.

Scientists dealing with the problems of eating, believe that to maintain the figure, it is necessary to observe a strict diet which only exhausted and stressed and the body. They say the key is to control appetite and not overeat.

We offer four ways to curb your appetite without being subjected to unnecessary stress and debilitating restrictions.

1. Increase fluid intake
Dietitians recall that water reduces appetite. It is advisable to drink plenty of mineral water, but avoid soda. Juices, which contain no sugar and sweeteners also help to reduce appetite. Drinking fluids is useful for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the risk of constipation. Dietitians advised to drink a glass of water before meals. Thus creating a feeling of satiety, and this is a successful trick to overcome aperita.

2. Eat more fruits
Eat mostly fruits and vegetables, especially if chevstvoto hunger constantly harass you. They will not eliminate it completely, but at least it will satisfy without taking unnecessary calories, sugar and fat. The truth is that in most cases not eat because we are hungry, but just to chew something. So next time you want to eat something sweet, do not reach for chocolate desserts, but they damestete with apple and have any other fruit. Cut pieces of carrot, cucumber and dried fruits are a perfect substitute for chips and salty. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of fiber to aid digestion and fructose fills you appetite for sweet foods.

3. Reduce spices
Nutritionists explain that spices and salt does not reduce appetite, but the opposite - they irritate the stomach lining and help further the release of gastric juice. To eliminate the frustration and to neutralize the acid, the body wants more food, ie appetite will increase. Therefore, if the problem of weight maintenance or reduction of appetite is relevant to you, forget the salty and spicy dishes.

4. Chocolate decrease appetite
Chocolate is one of those responsible for excess weight, but at the same time can be a faithful assistant in the taming of the wolf hunger. Chocolate creates a feeling of satiety and simultaneously soothes and improves mood. Some nutritionists advise before eating to suck pieces of chocolate. Through receptors located in the oral cavity brain receives signal for receipt of something sweet and voracious appetite will disappear.

Often people undergoing diets and regimes hronetelni complain that they experience a strong feeling of hunger before bedtime. This physical and psychological discomfort prevents them from sleep and makes them nervous and irritable. According to nutritionists, it was nighttime hours, when a person sleeps are most important for removing excess weight and maintain the exquisite figure.

The secret lies in the fact that an hour after falling asleep in the body activates a zone located in the pituitary gland, which produces active amino acids arginine and lysine. Although not decreased appetite, these acids synthesized growth hormone, compelled fat cells to break and release the accumulated energy as fat.

Arginine and lysine are high in fat dairy products and drinking a cup of skim milk before bedtime not only strengthened but also actively support the digestion of fat cells.

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