Whey Protein - perhaps Useful for Weight Loss

Not all proteins are equal when it comes to weight loss, according to new research. Whey (milk) protein is more effective than soy at weakening.

Researchers from US Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center randomized 90 subjects with overweight and obesity in one of three groups: participants from the first group were instructed to add protein drinks with whey to the daily diet, the second group we welcome drinks containing soy protein, the third group took a carbohydrate drink. All drinks were taken twice a day - breakfast and dinner, and contained the same number of calories: 200.

73 participants completed the study, published in the Journal of Nutrition. During the experiment, all participants received the same number of calories - about 2200.

After 6 months, consuming carbohydrate shakes i gain a little (about 1 kg), which was mainly at the expense of the fatty mass. Host soy beverages that kept their weight. When consuming whey protein weight loss Observed by 1 kg in this group were also reduced waist size by about an inch (2.5 cm).

How whey protein affect weight?
The authors have several suggestions. Persons receiving this type of protein had significantly lower levels of the hormone ghrelin compared to those taking soy protein and carbohydrates. This hormone helps the regulation of food intake, so that higher concentrations are associated with a pronounced sense of hunger.

And really - taking whey protein alone restrict carbohydrate intake at the end of the study and it was not at the expense of fewer calories. It should be noted that participants did not know what drink taken.

Participants consuming soy protein had even higher levels of thyroid hormones to receiving whey protein. Thyroid hormones control metabolism and higher levels could mean a fast metabolism, but have yet to determine what their exact impact on weight loss.

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