Want to lose weight? Chew!

Austrian clinic for weight loss "Viva Mayr" there is more than 50 years and its patients are not only overweight people, but suffering from indigestion, allergies and infertility.

The founder of the clinic Dr. Harald Shtoser emphasizes that weight loss is a long process, because eating habits are acquired in early childhood and their change requires persistent effort.

Dr. Shtoser emphasis on the chewing of food as one of the most important ways to lose weight. Chewing produces saliva, and it provides the digestion of carbohydrates in the mouth and sends information about the content of the food we take.

This information affects the secretion of digestive juices from the pancreas and small intestine. If you are not chewing food well, not separated saliva and digestive activity decreases progressively.

Do not tread with poor food and refrain from sugar and alcohol. Do lots of physical exercise - swimming, yoga and walking. It is important to have regular stomach.

Here are the golden rules of the Austrian clinic for those wishing to lose weight:

  • Eat slowly. The general rule is each bite to chew 40 times to become a liquid slurry of food and saliva.
  • Eat sitting, without distractions of TV, reading or troublesome calls.
  • Stop eating as soon as you are sated. If you chew properly, you will not be able to absorb large amounts of food.
  • Meals should be breakfast and lunch.
  • Do not eat late at night. The ideal time for dinner is 18 hours. It should be scarce and consists of easily digestible food and no raw vegetables and fruits.

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