How to lose weight fast in this healthy?

We know is yo-yo effect after drastic diets - for days after we exercise strict restrictions after termination of the regime weight not only return but also accumulate more.

Dietitians years now warn that the diet will benefit from that restrictions are harmful to health, but there are times when you need to lose weight a few pounds fast - whether because we want to look better on your wedding party to dress your favorite party dress of service or to have confidence the take our annual holiday ...

To lose weight quickly is not impossible, but how to do it without harming your body, because diets tomato or lemon per day, if not present, after years will cost us dearly? Forget about any schemes which promise 10 kg per month, they certainly hurt ...

Rapid weight loss may not be detrimental to the organism, but only on condition that achieves the right way, are the words of a leading expert in dietetics in the U.S., Dr. Michael Densingar. In theory, he says, can be faint and 9 kg per week, but it requires a strict diet and heavy exercise program more than an hour a day and severely constant medical supervision.

What we can do yourself? Most weight loss and a half kilo per week and stick to healthy diet and active motor function. And do not forget to reach your goals is an essential need "seasoning" to this mix - perfect intrinsic motivation. And do not intend to delay next week, when you start the system, promising you a 5 kg for 7 days. Start immediately, slower but healthier method!

1. How to lose weight fast?

The key to success lies in a simple mathematical formula to burn more calories than provide the body with food. Dietitians recommend to reduce the total energy value of food during the day with 500 calories and increasing physical activity. It is assumed that for a week so will be achieved with weight reduction on 400-1000

If this does not suit you, you can reduce your diet with 1050 -1200 kcal and include one hour of exercise daily. In this mode you can lose weight by 1.3 to 2.3 kg and even more for a week, but only on condition that your weight is over 110 kg. Otherwise it will be harmful to health.

According to Densinger in this mode loses about weakening pound of reduced diet and 500 g of physical activity, but this is because the accumulated excess fat, and which should be "removed".

It is possible to lose weight and more if you reduce consumption of salt and starch products. The measure works against fluid retention in the body which as a result gives an additional loss of 2 kg of excess fluid in the beginning of the dietary regimen.

2. What should be the diet?

If your weight is 90 kg, it is advisable to reduce the total energy value of food per day to 15.5 calories per kilogram of your body weight now. This is equivalent to 1400 kcal. Dietitians recommend, however, in the absence of medical supervision when diet alone is undertaken, the regime can not be reduced more than 1,050 kcal per day. Is mandatory and compliance with other requirements in a desire to weaken in any case - healthy energy intake must be at least 1200 kcal per day. We should not fall below this limit!

In feeding it is advisable to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates - even the amount of whole grains should be monitored - sugars, fats and dairy products. To achieve fast weight loss nutrition should focus primarily on fruits, vegetables, egg whites, soy products, chicken breast, fish, seafood, nonfat dairy products and 95% lean meat.

Experts add that more is needed:

  • to drink plenty of water to be disposed further from the body toxins by the weight loss process, and to prevent the risk of dehydration,
  • regime must be rich in protein to prevent loss of muscle mass
  • to maintain a varied diet to provide the body with its necessary nutrients to maintain its functional processes
  • reduction of carbohydrates at the expense of simple carbohydrates - sweets and pasta, containing flour and sugar, especially white.

Useful tips are the following:

  • Avoid any food temptations - so get rid of hidden packages chocolate and snacks.
  • Do not eat out of boredom - constantly try to find activities that distract you from thinking to eat.
  • Eat only at the table, let food be served on a plate - take special time to take pleasure in the process itself rather than the quantity of food consumed.
  • Must have 3 meals a day and one snack.
  • Measure your weight every day and calculate swallowed kalorazh - self-control will ensure adherence to the regime.
  • Make arrangements for your own taste - using healthy spices such as dill, parsley, ginger, mint, ate slices of pineapple and milk with honey ...

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