How to cope with hunger and increased appetite

Completely in our power to deal with hunger and increased appetite without using special medications. For this purpose it is necessary to abandon diets related to hunger, to eat and arrangements applicable to certain methods for reducing appetite.

Our menu has to be carefully considered to not feel hungry between meals, nutritionists advise.

Breakfast must be abundant and include a hot meal. It should include proteins such as eggs, cottage cheese, a piece of meat.
The next meal should be 2-3 hours and it should prevail fruits or vegetables. The aim is to neutralize the secretion of gastric juice and to postpone hunger. If there is a pause without food for more than 4 hours, gastric juice causes intense hunger.

Lunch is good enough to caloric, to deliver fuller longer. It is recommended that this is a salad, cooked meat or clean boiled egg.

Dinner is the third meal of the day. It is better to include meat and salad, especially if it is prepochita fish. The basic rule is to not eat after 19 or 20h.

One or two hours after dinner is good to drink a glass of buttermilk or milk and thus to the onset of sleep, not hungry.

Feeding mode is only half of the, say nutritionists and advise: The main task is also to learn to accept modest meals and not hungry.

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